Wednesday 31 January 2018

A Name Without A Face

Just in case anybody is wondering, that thing in the picture right above is me. This photo was taken approximately three years ago, and just so happens to be one of the best taken of myself with a fairly old and cheap digital camera. In this photo, I portray an unspecified creature rugged up and hiding under a hood while looking towards the ground. With this photo having sat in my archives for a very long time I didn't want to waste it, as I strongly consider it to be a contemporary work of art. Something so short on visual detail yet so powerful in meaning. It not only says a lot about who I am, but a lot about the importance of identity and character. The funny thing about this particular picture however, is that I didn't take it with the intention of communicating a message. I simply love disguises and enjoy covering myself from head to toe, which is what I’m here to discuss.

If one scrolls down my social media pages, they will notice many pictures of me hiding under hoods and masks while dressing in layers of hoodies and jackets. They would probably look at these pictures and ask such questions. What is this person doing? Why the mystery? Why is it in almost every photo, Travis James hides under so much clothes and doesn’t reveal one ounce of human skin? The answer to these questions is fairly obvious. I love the mystery. I love covering myself up in layers of different gear. I love looking into a mirror and not being able to see my own face. Any spare time I have to myself is frequently used for lounging around and performing certain activities in layers of outerwear and clothing accessories. Whether it is going out for a walk, chatting to friends or even sleeping, I relish making the most out of whatever time I have in complete and total enclosure.

But this hobby of mine has become more than just a hobby. It has grown into my sense of style. I'm not afraid to admit that I am a very strange person when it comes to fashion. While I dress quite sensibly around family and relatives, time spent out in public or with friends has seen me find enjoyment in going to extremes. I grew a love for hoodies during my adolescence, and as years went by, I became more and more open in showing that was the case to most people around me. It grew so much that it saw me forming my own absurd style, which would display itself so many times in public. When one was the norm and two was the fashionable limit, I took advantage of out-of-uniform days at school by wearing up to four hooded garments. There have been days where I have worn more than five outside of school hours. A few students did point out my unusual habit and I’ve then came around to giving them my reasons. But most people in public that walk by keep to themselves and allow me to do as I please.

In winters of low extremity, I would take walks in the park looking like I was dressed for the arctic. Balaclavas, beanies, hoodies, gloves and ski goggles all under large snorkel parkas. There were times when I would even wear a couple of morphsuits underneath, with my favourite thing about doing so being that people had no idea I was wearing them. Locking myself inside these morphsuits and further enveloping them in cold-weather gear not only provided for me a sense of comfort and warmth, but a sense of safety and security as well. And it felt amazing. Despite looking a little puffed up, I could still see, breathe and talk very well. But moving around was the fun part. The feeling of jumping about and giving myself a little shake like I'm about to run a marathon whilst deep inside the gear, is almost too good to describe. The thick layers of clothing would leave the morphsuits pressing even tighter onto my entire body. This at times caused me to often forget I had them on and the polyester or spandex fabric shrouding my eyes couldn't change that.

Come the summer time I obviously don't go as heavy. However I'd never let any opportunity to don a hoodie on the cooler days slip. Especially one that went well with a pair of shorts. Whether it was my thin fleece half-zip hooded top, my regular thick black full-zip hooded sweatshirt or even my skeleton hoodie, it was near impossible to resist the temptation going outside without at least one hooded garment. As for the scorching days, my strange behaviour still comes into play. How so? My morphsuits of course. I'm always using them, washing them thoroughly and straight back to using them again. I mostly enjoyed chucking one or two on while standing in front of the air conditioner. By simply placing my hand in front of the vent, the cold air would travel into the morphsuits and around my body, keeping me nice and cool. I have even gone as far as to wearing them while visiting friends in forty-degree weather. Seems crazy I know, but incredibly for those times the sun did not become a problem. The sweat I worked up was absorbed by the morphsuits, which helped keep me cool during each trip. And the best thing about doing all this was that I never got sunburnt. Though I may have attracted some attention from onlookers. Not even the cap, sunglasses, t-shirt, shorts and shoes worn over the top would prevent that from being the case. All I can say is at least they didn't know who it was underneath.

Most people who perform this activity share one reason for why they do it. That is to be sexually aroused. I won’t deny that I can relate to these people on the odd occasion. But my reasons go further than simply gearing up for the pleasure. As briefly mentioned earlier, I feel a sense of security whenever I’m cocooned in my combination of warm garbs and garments. Many things I fear such as spiders, insects, unpleasant odours and harsh weather conditions aren’t able to get to me. Along with that comes the opportunity to express more of my character. I do consider myself a mild introvert and how much of myself I reveal often depends on who I’m hanging around with. Hiding underneath my many layers allows me to give birth to new personalities. It allows me to share more sensitive information and explore certain ideas I never previously felt comfortable with in my own skin. One can say this activity is both a fetish and fixation of mine. But like the many other things that I do, I like to think there is always more logic behind it.

Concealing my identity can also be seen for its common reasons. Yes, I can do this out of respect for privacy. I can do this to show I’m more cautious. I can do this to relate with particular groups of people. But none of those reasons have my full attention. As I just not long ago said, I am a pretty introverted person. Accompanying pure enjoyment, is the search of self-confidence. The matter of finding the right time I am ready to take the next step. The masks and hoodies are not me ashamed of who I am (as I can be proud of both myself and my achievements), but are instead me unsure of my surroundings. Do I plan on forever hiding my face behind such material? Absolutely not! I do hope that in the not-too-distant future, I'll be ready to face the music and share more of what I can offer as Travis James.

Is what I do challenging? Well I'd be lying if I said it didn’t come with its usual risks and results. There have been moments of temporary panic where I struggle to escape my cage. In some situations I am forced to remain calm and have my way out prepared and easy to reach. It may sound like what I do is bondage, but it isn’t. I mainly love having the ability to move around, breathe effectively and speak as clearly as possible. What is more of an occurrence for me when I’m wearing so much is obviously the sweat and exhaustion. This mostly depends on both the temperature and how much movement I make. There have been times where I have sweated so heavily that my shirts were completely drenched and there have been times in a similar number of layers where I end up mostly dry. But the biggest burden of them all happens both at the beginning and end of my activity. Putting things on and taking things off. They are certainly the most irritating steps I’m forced to do. Sometimes I just wish I can keep my gear on forever and do whatever I want. Unfortunately that can’t ever be the case. That’s why I always choose to don the layers whenever I’ve got an awful lot of time to spare.

We all have our quirky behaviours. Some like mine can appear to be quite strange and there are others out there that look to be even more bizarre. I do though plead for all to not judge me on this behaviour alone. I will likely come across as a pretty bizarre character, but I can assure people who come around here often that they too will learn of some more relatable qualities. Furthermore, they will gain a greater understanding of the genuine and positive person I aim to be. I am here to also share my other interests and learn new things. Me in my many layers of clothing is only one small piece of the TJ puzzle. I try my absolute hardest to be my genuine self and look to embrace everyone else for their own individual quirks. Just remember that my name IS Travis James, I AM human and I LOVE making new friends and exploring new worlds.

Travis "TJ" James

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